The name of the country I studied in Social Studies is called Sudan. Sudan is a country located in Africa, which is best known for being the home of a group called The Lost Boys of Sudan, who are young boys and men who became separated from their families when they were young.
The president of Sudan is a man named Omar Hassan al-Bashir. He’s been in the position of president of Sudan since 6/30/1989. He was half responsible for Sudan being voted a free country in summer of 2011. The capital of the country is a town called Khartoum. It has been called by “The Guardian News”, one of the rudest and cruelest towns in Africa. That sounds pretty rough, because I feel Deerfield is one of the nicest town in Illinois
Sudan may be a free country, but a majority of the people that live there are very, very poor. However, despite their lack of money, they happen to have a very advanced education plan, even without any materials. I do feel bad for those too poor to buy any materials for school, and I’d actually be willing to give some of mine away to make them happy. Anyway, back on topic. Sudan’s school plan goes from Kindergarten to College graduate. Because of all the people living there, there are over 31 different universities in the country of Sudan. That’s a lot of schools.
Because of their poorness, not many people in Sudan have all the stuff people in other countries and states have. However, that doesn’t mean they can’t have any fun. Why, music and dance are very important parts of Sudanese culture. They also serve recreation as religious purposes. Other common folk arts include needlework, pottery, and beaded jewelry. Compared to us in America, the people in Sudan definitely stay outside more, rather than wasting time playing games on your Xbox One or Playstation 4(I didn’t count Wii U because not many people care about that one), or texting.

Overall I have learned that despite the people not having much money for their needs, Sudan is still an interesting place to live, because it has many nice people, a very good education plan, and nice places to call home. I can’t wait to impress the Lost Boys when they come to our school later in the year.