Thursday, May 12, 2016
A summary of North Korea
North Korea is a communist country run by many irrigant leaders and many people in that country just go with whatever people say. The people act like puppets and are brainwashed so the government can get away with stuff with citizens never questioning their actions. North Korea is an isolated country that has a no fly zone and lets few outsiders in. They are barely surviving only because of China. Without China, There would be no North Korea. North Korea is a corrupt and out of control country!
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
The differences between Sudan and North Korea
The differences between Sudan and North Korea is that Korea is not a free country and is always under surveillance. They have recent technology and is more modernised than Sudan. Sudan is a big country that there is no dictatorship and does not have recent technology. They are very different countries

Monday, May 9, 2016
North Korea versus Sudan
Now that we have studied two very different countries but with similarities concerning human right violations, I want you to connect the experiences the Lost Boys had in Sudan to the current state of North Korea.
North Korea overview
Overall, describe the crises in North Korea. What is your overall opinion with regards to the citizens in North Korea? Use evidence to back up your response
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Patrick's Part 2
- Should the United States get involved in other countries’ policies? Use all the articles you have and additional research to answer this question.
Yes, because there are human rights and liberties that are broken in other countries that need to be changed. If they dislike our policies we could take in any citizens that do not agree with that country's beliefs. If they pull something like Iran and the U.S. Embassy then the United States and other countries will put sanctions on that country. If they start a war against us, our allies and us would take them to battle. But, if they agree, we could prosper through trading, defend each other during fighting, and help each other through tough times.
I think we shouldn’t be involved in other countries businesses because Iranians captured American hostages in Argo which really happened so we don’t want that to happen. They kept the hostages in captivity for 444 days. The shaw made everyone starve and kept the money and ate expensive foods from different countries everyday. Which caused the hostage crisis.
The USA shouldn’t get involved in other countries policies. For example we funded Iran and gave the Shah a lot of goods and money. The Shah miss used the money and went to America. Then the Ayatollah became the leader and caused lots of war. Since the USA had the Shah, Iran was mad at the USA. But since they had some weapons and money we gave them, they stormed the US embassy and held 52 americans hostage for 444 days. This is why we shouldn’t fund other countries because this clearly backfired at the USA.
- Laws are different so they do not know what might happen when they are in that place.
- The military will be different and support and fight differently
- Take advantage or find loopholes with agreement.
- The other government can track down the other governments military.
- It might not be safe for the government and other people if the other government knows personal information.
- Not bring war to our country if our government does something they may not like.
- The other government will have different laws that can help out the constitution.
- The government type can affect the people around them.
- The government can make agreements with the people in the country so that we can prevent war.
We should not get involved with other countries polices, because it can cause war and they can try to take us over. However, if we get along with countries maybe there is a chance that we can do it. We do not get along with Iran so we can't even come close to making deals with them. We do not get along with many countries though. for example, Argo, we wanted to keep the shah and because we follow what he does and the Iranians were furious at him, Furthermore, he was dying of cancer so he was dying anyway . The iranians took american hostages, so we can't get involved with countries that we don't get along with. The countries that we get along with, we need permission from them as well, so overall, We should not get involved with other countries polices because it can be dangerous and lead to war.
I feel that the US shouldn’t get involved in the policies of other countries’ policies, because they could turn against them. One example would be when the people of Iran sold the Shah nuclear technology to the USA, which led to them using it against them. Another reason would be that some people believe that Iran wants their nuclear weapons to achieve world prominence.
Part 2 after argo
the United States should not get involved in other countries’ policies because it could create a war that we could of prevented. According to argo, the movie, the irans were upset because they wanted to hang the shaw and we wouldn’t let them so they started a war. Wars are the last thing this world wants. According to the documentary, they kept 52 people hostage because they were mad at the United states. The best thing to do is not to give into terrorists. We should not be involved in other countries’ policies because this is bad for america and everyone else.
A risk is that other countries will get more angry with us because the americans protected the shaw. In the movie Argo, the Iranians got mad at us for protecting the shaw, so they kept 52 people hostage because they were mad at the United states. A benefit is for us to become a better government and have more oil. In the article Iran the next Iraq, states that the US helped Iran, and exchange for that, Iran gave us oil.
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